

For all you fans of Interesting Today - I'm sorry to say that this will be the last edition, for now. Not sure if, or when, I will be back to it. Doing this has been a fun part of my day, but couple of other projects require my attention. The many hours that I spend on here would give me that much needed time for those projects. So enjoy this last one and who knows, I might be back! :)

kansas outlaws practice of evolution
they might as well, too many don't want to believe in it.
but seriously, don't know whether to be sad or glad to be in the onion :)

july 4th atheist pride with flying banners!
sure wish i didn't live in the middle of the country where there are none flying!!

westboro baptist church attending fbi training sessions, is now disinvited
they might have input? if it weren't for these types of groups you wouldn't need training sessions on how to deal with unruly crowds!

principal george kennedy lied about hypnosis, district finds
what in the hell? why is he hypnotizing his students?

very cool!

love can relieve physical pain
wish it could eliminate it all together

'he's the hope of all nations': rare white buffalo named
he's sooooo cute!

4 legged chicken born in jerusalem sparks debate over his kosher status
he was born the normal way, not grown in a lab... he's kosher.

new probiotics for your oral health

yard sign claims barack obama has fired more cruise missiles than any other nobel peace prize winner
well, duh! no other commander in chief has ever gotten it, but thanks for showing the irony

chinese male cheerleader brings it on!

world's first tickle spa opens in spain

barbershops double as informal clinics
this is what is coming to?

love the sinners to death....
get him, JT! as far as i'm concerned, rich sweir, head of the tea party is the fucking sinner!

wanna bet you got a few? don't we all!

well, good for the little guy!



this is where i want to be... right now, damn it!

oreo cameos, intricate hand carved portraits inside a cookie
art you can eat

5 monkeys - the evolution of fear and ignorance

what starts off as a nature video, quickly deteriorates into comedy. just brilliant! lmfao!

a logical explanation for the unknown = reality


break dancing gorilla WIN!!

some peculiar and strange deaths

oh the irony, it's killing me

i understand why they are doing it, but since when do turtles have epilepsy?

'am i not turtley enough for you? turtle, turtle, turtle' - only some of you will get the reference

imagine what that must feel like!

 thoughts from within - woody harrelson
i have a new-found respect for the man

in defense of the original pledge: an open letter to nbc
i'd like to see this make more news than the fundies crying sour grapes



logic... can't beat it

wind power without the blades
this is incredible!

richard tillman on real time w/ bill maher

the most powerful climate video you will see all week
science, it trumps ignorance once again

the perplexed observer - practice what you preach - ka-pow
served, but good!

the inception chair
art and practicality in one! brilliant!

door to door atheists bother mormons
they obviously like it as well as we do - ha, ha! turnaround is fair play!

michele bachmann says john quincy adams was one of our founding fathers
among other things that she gets consistently wrong

could shakespeares' bones tell us if he smoked pot?
i wouldn't be surprised

police dogs die in baking-hot car; police officer reportedly attempts suicide
poor man, he must obviously have loved those dogs

religious animal slaughter ban passes in the netherlands
the fact that they even had to have a ban is incredible to me

indians pay surgeons to turn girls into boys
this is beyond disgusting

20 amazing look-alikes
wow! they definitely look like they were separated at birth!

'aliens have two legs and two arms' - russian scientist
love when people make definitive comments with no proof

drugs plot raid reveals old woman feeding rabbits with cannabis
"the rabbits really like it!" of course they do!!



only problem, it doesn't look like a shark

vampire front to protect inhuman rights
we haven't even granted or upheld all the 'human' rights yet... wait your turn!!

german cannibal killer sentenced to life
he needs to make himself available for lab tests, this is so weird

hahahahahahahahaha! because it's better for you than cow's milk! :)

my question would be - how does he not get turned on by doing this?

air conditioning for troops costs more than NASA
$20 BILLION?!?!?!? and you people wonder why we have a deficit here!

twiggy bird nest suite is one of 5 rooms at the swedish tree hotel
birds of a feather flock together

george carlin - there's a reason
as sad as it is that he's not on this earth anymore speaking the truth, i'm glad that he doesn't have to endure this stupid country

egyptian lawmakers: ban chinese hymen fake hymen
well, i have to give credit for the creativity in solving an ancient problem

national atheist party - state chapters
we need more state representatives!

stand with bernie sanders!!

joy with jello
it's just jiggly :)

19 awesomely terrible commercials
it speaks for itself

5 tips for a stronger orgasm
pay attention people, we're trying to spread the joy here!

australian soccer player ejected for genital piercing
the rules are the rules



weak heart i guess, so sad

same-sex marriages and christianity
i think you may be right, michael!

us evangelist jason hooper claims he's on a mission from god
... to destroy public property and be a disorderly drunk and he's also working for this fine institution, His Call Ministries in Charlotte, NC - people of nc who believe in this crap - WAKE UP! he's just a man with issues taking your hard-earned money

the hoffsicle - you too, can now lick david hasselhoff! :)

window smudges could be bigfoot's, says paranormal group
yeah and it could also just be a damn bear!

created by my friend, helen sotiriadis

rick perry... murderer?
now wouldn't that be a scandal!

the best way to stop your child from being an atheist



"Keep religion out of the government. When you walk into your office, you should leave  your god at the door. If you can't do that, don't rule the country I live in. It's that simple."
Thrash Eagle - good words, so simple, yet so hard for people to grasp

Q. What's the difference between jesus and a prostitute?
A. The noise they make when they are getting nailed.
via Dark Humor

AC360 - 'Prophet Cindy Jacobs': Birds Dying Because of DADT Repeal
 yeah, and you're a self-proclaimed 'profit' out of the goodness of your heart

7 weirdest monuments around the world
no 8th?

states stop circumcision funds amidst budget crisis'
the only good thing to come about during deficits - intact penises

over-prescribed: how taking too many pills is hurting americans
use your common sense



enough of this 'freedom of religion' crap - RAMEN!!

drugged, raped, then jailed for adultery
yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense

dog guards forgotten baby overnight
sometimes the dog is the better parent, pretty sad if you ask me

fake zebra seized in ukraine
couldn't afford to buy one as a tourist attraction?

brazil man uses poodle to hit wife
i'm not sure which to be more upset about?!?!

naki'o: the first dog with four prosthetic paws
very cool!

north carolina woman sterilized because state deemed her 'promiscuous'
because she was 14 and got raped! wtf?

the candidate cometh
be afraid... be very afraid!!

shortest jehovah's witness conversation ever
spot on!

will you help senator sanders expose the koch echo chamber?
brainwashing... hmmmm, let me think - where is this situation also present? and the exact same situation where most of these brainwashees also participate? lightbulb bright... very bright! in their RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES!! it goes hand in hand! when you are willing to just BELIEVE anything, you will FALL for everything!!!

and why????!?!?!?!?!?!?!

nice! racism goodbye!

very creative!



 wish i knew where i found this gem, sure would love to credit them

princess of whales: how a naked female scientist tries to tame beluga whales in the freezing arctic
fascinating and just a tad too cold for me

scientists create first memory expansion for brain
can anybody say 'the matrix'?

whining is the most annoying sound ever: study
they really needed a study for that? really? you paid money for that?

peeping tom hid in a porta-potty tank, escaped covered in human waste, according to police
.... i'm speechless

virgin atlantic passengers get a foul mouthed awakening
well, if that would have been me, i would have laughed my ass off AND told them how fucking original!

utah man accused of eating live baby rat, posting video online charged with animal cruelty
kinda gross besides the whole animal cruelty thing

women flock to take horse semen shots
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! guess since bestiality is against the law, this is the next best thing?

baby killed in microwave: ka yang, california woman, arrested
if i thought praying to a god would stop ever having to see a news story like this ever again, i would

hemp hero: how marijuana could save the american economy
the writing on the walls has been there for years.... just DO IT!

report: sarah palin quits bus tour halfway through, retreats to alaska
why am i not surprised?

7 yr old michigan boy steals car, drives it 20 miles to visit his dad
wow, the little guy had guts or running away from a sad story at his home

you DON'T need a boyfriend! hilarious and spot on!



you're an ape - deal with it!

josh seater, oregon man, urinates in water reservoir; portland flushes 8 million gallons in response(VIDEO)
really? it's an open reservoir! i'm thinking there might more gross shit than his incredibly diluted pee in there! just dumb to waste the water and the $36,000 to do it

13 places google doesn't want you to see
here we go with the conspiracy theories again

neurontin killed our husbands, we believe
pharmacology doesn't always help

the weirdest college classes
educational fillers?

sarah, bristol palin to get their trademarks
of course, the first step in them being the only ones to profit off their names, making them officially 'a product' not a person. funny, we've known them for that before they even applied for it

world's biggest shave - roger federer

amish sexter sought buggy sex with girl, 12
never thought i'd see that headline... ever!

republicans: the single greatest threat to america
among other things

harrisburg mayor fasting in hopes of solving city's financial crisis
another loon, like rick perry! again, i'll ask the question - what do you people pull a paycheck for if you think prayer and fasting is the only thing that solves problems? what the fuck do we need you for?



 via really funny pictures

american atheists - i clock well over a thousand of your heads
i APPRECIATE this video by a foreigner!

parkinsons artificial brain bank
science is so fascinating!!

power lifting pastor kevin fast lifts 22 women, pulls two firetrucks with son
guess the strength of the lord is with him

family says woman died protecting toddler from cow
now that's a hero!

can fried kool-aid quench your thirst?
kool-aid sucks wet, why would i want it in solid form?!?!

new web naming rules to change internet browsing
i'm really surprised they haven't done this before now

us soldier isiah hernandez regrows leg muscle using pig bladder hormones
again, science is brilliant - i have yet to see god do this!

inpatient alcoholic gets hammered after drinking hand sanitizer in Australian hospital
serious drinking problem, i'd say

colonial's deer invasion - even a deer's gotta pray?

ocean report: risk of marine extinctions unprecedented in human history
"if the ocean goes down, it's game over." - dr. alex rogers

via lolwtfcomics

how can i test if my son is gay?
too funny, brilliantly snarky! 

but does anybody listen? no

christians are loving, gentle people - some, but the majority are not!
 if christians as a whole were loving, the divisiveness they create would not be so great!

seriously, i'm getting to the point of 'let them'

shrimp running on a treadmill with benny hill theme



a child prays at an atheist convention
the miracle of brainwashing

scientists find mathematical formula for the perfect wife
yeah... right

sexually ambiguous dads celebrate father's day
with transgender being fairly recent, this is a whole new spin on this day

hundreds join midsummer skinny dip rhossili on gower
woo hoo! nekk'ed people!

pledge of allegiance
the original version!

son gives diabetic dad kidney for father's day
what a nice payback

clay weiner - happy father's gay
another funny take on it

world naked bike ride
boy, naked again!

jon stewart live on fox news, tells host 'you're insane!'
he is and once again, more excellent and honest commentary than we got through mainstream media

bill maher new rules june 17, 2011
says it all and says it right



via really funny pictures - yeaouchies!!!

drive by blessings!
a mobile church... the evolution of religion

I do not pretend to be able to prove that there is no God. I equally cannot prove that Satan is a fiction. The Christian God may exist; so may the Gods of Olympus, or of ancient Egypt, or of Babylon. But no one of these hypotheses is more probable than any other: they lie outside the region of even probable knowledge, and therefore there is no reason to consider any of them.” Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), What I Believe, 1925

hagfish sliming video - ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!

glass staircase not dress friendly
other men are rejoicing at the smartness of the designer men's stupidity

atheists don't commit as much crime as the religious do
it's a FACT! and yet we are wrong to claim ourselves as righteous. i say - FUCK YOU!

9 countries that do it better: why does europe take better care of its people than america?
because they obviously have a mindset of putting people 1st, greed & corporations 2nd

deadly e. coli was engineered
interesting theory

recycling hotel soap to save lives
what a brilliant idea!

geeky stats about magic mushrooms
i can just here all the anti-drug people go off!

shedding light on religious child maltreatment
via the friendly atheist - excellent piece

bolivia man locks son in wooden box for 2 months
and yet again, religious whack jobs doing a good job of looking ridiculous

male anti-masturbation devices
just in case you were actually looking for these



via really funny pictures
how is this even possible?? just wow!

the ridiculist: william tapley (for the third time)
anderson cooper gets his comedian on with penis guy!

take the demon questionnaire
you are 15 steps away from knowing if you are possessed!
shit - i just took it, I'M THE DEVIL!!

banned commercials - condoms
i'm thinking vasectomy... not condoms!

hitting the sex spot
i want to go!!!

pastor outs gay teens in church

elderly man who was bound by robbers chews his way to freedom
he was 92! i didn't think we still have teeth left at that age!

becoming christian changes your dna
would love to know where this asshat got his biology degree?

the workings of a pathologically narcissistic mind? sarah palin channeled god in an email about her unborn son trig
okay, she's seriously getting too fucking weird for words

barking cat - lol!!!

the growing culprit behind liver disease
NOT alcohol!

'deer with wings' causes montana power outage
i know it's sad, but i had to laugh at first - deer with wings?

how large can lobsters grow? big! but no one knows how big
now that would be a filling meal!

professor accused of urinating on colleague's door, now a wanted man
marking his territory?

via - god is at it again, killing his own

creationist science fair
via unfollowing jesus - totally true

republican new york senator comes out for gay marriage with an awesome quote
i do believe that republican got it right! wish there were more like him



via really funny pictures
mmmmm.... warm shower!

tennessee woman charge with rape and murder of toddler
can someone please tell me what could possibly make another human being do something like this to a child? what a good segway to this next tidbit...
the brain on trial

surprising benefits of blueberries
yummy your way to good health!

married couples are no longer a majority
oh i can hear the american family association now 'they've succeeded in decimating the sanctity of marriage!'
now it's time to double down!

kansas woman sees god's name in vein
oh great! another nut job representing our state. you religious people hate it when we make fun of you, but come on, give us a break... you just make it too fucking easy!

i cannot get past the gag reflex..... YUCK!!

understand your history, people!!

another good reason to breastfeed your babies

enviro-ality? oh, i see a lot of tree hole jokes in their future

well, i really want to see gators with legs

do you think i'm crazy?
different story - same bullshit

indoctrination at gunpoint
brilliant!!! just brilliant!

my job offer for anthony weiner
what an excellent idea and offer!

carmen william iacullo II and louisa pincus charged with torturing little boy
* insert screaming at the top of my lungs here!!!

on the beltway, a claim of drunken sex at 85 mph
wow! ambitious!



man dies while raping elder south texas woman
if only all justice was this swift

bald eagles attack post office at alaska port
testy birds

fundamentalist christian dentist censured for trying to drill religion into a patient
another proselytizing nut job

biting into 'monroe's lips' for real
for those of us who enjoy eating fat... yes, fat... as in lard. blech!!!

tea party summer school: the experience of a lifetime
and how is this any different than jesus camp? oh yeah, jesus AND politics education!

in which a lion tries to make a snack out of this baby
atheist lion? or just animal instincts?



'the ledge'
the atheist's 'brokeback mountain' july 8, 2011

rick perry prayer summit intended to convert non-christians
well, duh!

Q. What do you get when you cross an insomniac, an unwilling agnostic, and a dyslexic? 
A. Someone who stays up all night mentally torturing himself over the question of whether or not there's a dog.  

"I think we should start calling Rick Perry, Sam Brownback, Michelle Bachman and others of their ilk just what they are - Christianists. They are of the same mentality and the same agenda as Islamists - domination of the world by their ideology. Whenever you write or refer to one of these guys refer to them as "Christianist Rick Perry who espouses the political doctrine of Christianism." Lets call a skunk and skunk" - Darrel Ray

1939 - before our 'christian nation nuts' added 'under god'

atheist elitism
brilliant - such intelligence coming from a member of the younger generation... RAH!

bible in book form via religion sucks
but a drier climate predicted for usa... well, lucky, aren't we? 

now that'll be interesting to eat

go montel!

and it wasn't even the first time they've dealt with this in the city!!

i'm a woman and i just can't wrap my head around a man who claims to think he knows what motivates a woman to shave her pubic hair

it was funny.. it's a shame he didn't understand

well maybe those annoying 'end of the world' scenarios will finally disappear



Question: “Is there a God?”
Answer: “No.”

In the quite unlikely event that you were to discover any omissions or inaccuracies on this page, they may be reported to the international headquarters of The Official God FAQ, at, where they will be thoroughly investigated, submitted to rigorous scientific testing and, if substantiated, included in a subsequent update. Thank you.

lewis black explains religion

routine circumcision
watch this and decide if you really want to circumcise your kid. do some research. 

"I don't have any faith, but I have a lot of hope, and I have a lot of dreams of what we could do with our intelligence if we had the will and the leadership and the understanding of how we could take all of our intelligence and our resources and create a world for our kids that is hopeful." —  Ann Druyan

marriage according to the bible 
 a lot different than what they keep telling us today

terry pratchett initiates assisted suicide process
good luck in changing the law, terry!

worlds first womb transplant planned

are you brainwashed?



love her spirit!

choose my plate - the new food guidelines
looks good to me!

"Every great movement must experience three stages: ridicule, discussion, adoption." - John Stuart Mill

incest - adam and eve
via atheist images
funny, how i never thought of it like that, but now that i see it...  yeah, atheists are called sick fucks. well now, believing in this god takes on a whole new meaning.

"Sometimes you need boundaries. Sometimes you need someone to say "no, let’s not do that, because that, that is f*cking sick.” - Marcy from Californication 

america's fastest and slowest growing state economies
time for a change? 

china lead poisoning: over 600 sickened in latest incident, including 103 children
i'm guessing no regulation and oversight to speak of?? 

phoebe cohen yukon fossils from 800 million years ago reveal tiny shield waving organisms
nature is so cool!



pet cemeteries need to stop taking in humans says new york state
i understand about loving your pets, but really... buried next to them??

stuffed bear missing, 'kidnappers' demand $10,000 in gluten-free cupcakes
yeah, right

man tricked nurse into changing his diaper by faking brain injury, according to police

homophobic men most aroused by gay male porn
well, duh... isn't that why so many of the loudest anti-gay people are the ones caught in scandals?

summarised: every science v. religion discussion in history
as long as they continue to ignore facts, their heads will remain in the sand

parthenon by costa-gavras
via helen sotiriadis
to me it is a chilling picture of how the religion in power du jour destroys the previous one. this is all religion has ever been... one taking power over the next.

the weiner-logues with special guest jane lynch
prepare to blush and want to stop listening, but then you can't...

science is wrong
via unfollowing jesus - have never heard it put quite so eloquently

florida couple, arrested for neglecting their toddler, opted out of 'evil' us lifestyle
i'd like to opt out of the greed too, but i'm not going to expect some imaginary guy in the sky to take care of me. this is what religion does, it bankrupts people's sanity. that poor child, lock up the parents and give that child to people who know how to take care of another human being.

real-life exorcist 'brother hermes' promises to drive out the devil
*shaking my head*

passenger strips naked on flight
... and the problem is?

lawrence o'donnell gets letter from donald trump
lawrence, as always, spot on

ten charts that prove the united states is a low tax country
every chart tells me what is helping to contribute to our deficit, too

the mute button - too funny



via really funny pictures

new survey shows most shun abortion but want it legal
yeah, 3 out of 4 who get abortions are the religious. they fight out loud but when it really comes down to it, they are the majority getting them. can anyone say hypocrite?

deadly fungus strikes joplin, mo survivors, volunteers
now they have another crisis to overcome! this is so sad!!! i can't even begin to understand what these poor people have had to endure!

putting faith in its place - logic, love it

alcohol sales thrive in hard times
well, duh and also, internet porn

runaway moose on loose barges into swedish retirement home
that was probably more excitement than they've had in a long time!

hasselbeck, palin on the outs
hope hasselbeck uses her platform to inform the world of that and why

box labeled 'grandmas urn' left at goodwill store

inside the minds of the young bronte's
who knew?!?! fascinating stuff!

why norway is the best place to be a mother and the us the worst? abortion access
this is just one of the many reasons the us is NOT #1 and i wish all those that scream it is would get their heads out of their butts and educate themselves

hike naked: germany opens new nude-friendly nature trails
woo hoo!!!

foreign press says sarah palin is a traitor
the way they put, i agree

too much coffee makes you hear voices
see, i told you god wasn't talking to you