

 via really funny pictures

american atheists - i clock well over a thousand of your heads
i APPRECIATE this video by a foreigner!

parkinsons artificial brain bank
science is so fascinating!!

power lifting pastor kevin fast lifts 22 women, pulls two firetrucks with son
guess the strength of the lord is with him

family says woman died protecting toddler from cow
now that's a hero!

can fried kool-aid quench your thirst?
kool-aid sucks wet, why would i want it in solid form?!?!

new web naming rules to change internet browsing
i'm really surprised they haven't done this before now

us soldier isiah hernandez regrows leg muscle using pig bladder hormones
again, science is brilliant - i have yet to see god do this!

inpatient alcoholic gets hammered after drinking hand sanitizer in Australian hospital
serious drinking problem, i'd say

colonial's deer invasion - even a deer's gotta pray?

ocean report: risk of marine extinctions unprecedented in human history
"if the ocean goes down, it's game over." - dr. alex rogers

via lolwtfcomics

how can i test if my son is gay?
too funny, brilliantly snarky! 

but does anybody listen? no

christians are loving, gentle people - some, but the majority are not!
 if christians as a whole were loving, the divisiveness they create would not be so great!

seriously, i'm getting to the point of 'let them'

shrimp running on a treadmill with benny hill theme

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