

well-defined musculature or massive body nodules about to explode?!?!

tag getting a time-out at school: part 1t
i'm just shaking my head here... we have a HUGE obesity problem with our youth and we're taking away more physical exercise for them to participate in? what am i missing?

old people line up to clean radiation in japan
wow! talk about self-sacrifice, that's admirable!

on this day god wants you to know...

anonymous e-card urges ex-lovers to get std tests
i think it would piss me off to receive one of these in my inbox

science deniers: hand over your cell phones!
thanks, kristen!

penises everywhere!
like that's a bad thing... what a jerk!

ethan law roue cyr wheel presentation - just wow!

turkish methane whiskey takes three tourists' lives
isn't methane a gas?

goodbye food pyramid, hello dinner plate
actually, not a bad idea

shep smith: anthony weiner should recognize 'his certain thing'
imo, it's his wiener; eventually he will be broke down and yet another politician's career is in the toilet

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